Chicago Evictions
Affordable Flat Attorney Fee Available
In recent months, new ordinances have been passed by the City Council that make residential evictions more challenging and complex.
Under the Fair Notice Ordinance, passed in June of 2020, new rules went into effect regarding the form, timing, and serving of termination notices. Failure to follow these rules could result in the dismissal of your eviction. The Ordinance also has new rules regarding increases and payment of rent. If you are considering an eviction at this time, it is critical to have legal counsel to guide you.
Failure to properly write and serve a termination notice could result in dismissal of your case. I can assist you with drafting your termination notice.
Once you are ready to file, I will provide representation in an uncontested residential eviction case for an affordable flat rate. This fee includes:
1. A thorough review of your case to ensure compliance with all statutes and ordinances.
2. Drafting and filing of all necessary documents.
3. Filing of all documents in court.
4. Supervision and monitoring of service of process.
5. Representation at all necessary court hearings prior to trial.
Don’t try to do this alone! Leave the work to an experienced attorney during these difficult times.
Fee applies only to residential evictions in the City of Chicago.
In addition to the flat attorney fee, you will be required to pay court costs such as the filing fee, service of process, and enforcement.
If the case is set for trial or mediation, an additional attorney fee will be required for preparation and representation in trial proceedings.